Krauthammer on Post 9/11 Success of Bush Administration

Charles Krauthammer expresses some excellent points on the War on Terror within our Homeland:

The big mystery here is in two months we’re going to be at the fifth anniversary of 9/11. There’s not a person I know who would have expected we go one year let alone half a decade without a second attack. And because of our patriotic press, we now have some idea of how it was done. Tracing the money, tracing — listening on in their phone calls and also having the bad guys, the big, the leaders of the bad guys in secret prisons getting interrogated, under difficult conditions, shall we say. With all of that has been exposed in our press, it explains to a large extent why we have not had a second attack.

It’s not an armistice, and it’s not an accident, it’s good work on our part, however our sources and our methods are now in jeopardy as a result of that. [Thanks Real Clear Politics


NO ACCIDENT! There is the nail on the head, it is no accident that the United States of America has not seen a successful terrorist operation since September 11, 2001. That is an awesome track record that you will not see in the MSM. It is not a gracious nod you will see from the Democratic Party. Instead, the MSM and the Democratic have vilified and demonized President Bush when they should be thanking him that their sons and daughters can still go shopping in the mall without fear of a psycho-Islamofascist terrorist committing homicide via suicide or other means. Incidently, a scenario that Israel has had to live with ever since the Jews have found a homeland in 1948.


The irony is the MSM. The MSM has attempted to disrupt Bush successes with attempts to expose Bush Administration actions to prevent terrorism at home. In so doing the MSM has validated President Bush’s success rather than expose. The only exposition is the Leftist shot in the foot, I guess the Leftist will claim they learned that from Vice-President Cheney. 

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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